quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010


In simplest terms, the Zohar is a commentary on the Bible, structured as conversations among friends, scholars and spiritual masters.

According to the ancient masters, the Light of the Zohar has always existed, though not in its present form as a book.

The Zohar is the beginning, the seed of everything. Adam holds the Zohar, as well as the patriarchs of the Bible.

At Mount Sinai, Moses received the Bible, and the secrets of the Bible, particularly the "decoder" of the Bible, and that is the Zohar.

These secrets were originally transmitted as an oral wisdom of one generation to another, but were not written until it is granted permission to divine the secrets of ancient writing.

The Zohar is written in an ancient language, Aramaic, the language that Jesus and his disciples spoke and wrote.

The Zohar is a powerful spiritual tool, and each section has the ability to activate and draw in our lives a specific type of light.

The only prerequisite for opening the door of the Zohar and enter the palace of secrets and a pure heart and a genuine desire to receive the Light of God and share it with everyone.

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