sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012

o Criador quer aproximar-nos Dele

"Todas as prevenções e os atrasos que aparecem diante 

de nossos olhos são apenas uma forma de nos  

aproximar - o Criador quer  aproximar-nos Dele." 

Baal HaSulam

Amor Infinito

"In truth, we're surrounded by infinite love and 

pleasure, but we can only receive it if we have the 

right desire/vibration to match it."

Dr Michael Laitman

O Bom Que Faz o Bem

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught...

"You already know, my dear son, the interpretation of the verse, ‘G-d is good to all.’ (Tehillim 145:9) It means that G-d is good for all, good for everything in the world. This is the basis of all prayer."

What does this mean to me?

One of the great medieval Torah commentators taught that every single sincere word of prayer to G-d accomplishes many things simultaneously. If we ask G-d for help in any area of our lives, we affirm that:
G-d exists;
That He hears us;
That He is interested in what is happening to us;
That He has the power to help us;
That He intends for our good;
That He acts for our benefit.
And we affirm all of these essentials of Jewish faith…with every single word of prayer.

A prayer:

G-d, help me
forge a oneness—
between myself and others;
between myself and my spouse;
between myself and my children.
Help me forge a oneness
of the many selves
within me.
Help me become one
with You.