domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

The Book of Zohar Can be Opened by All

The Book of Zohar Can be Opened by All

Question: Who can read The Zohar?

Dr. Laitman’s Answer: The Book of Zohar was concealed from people for a long time. Since its composition in the 2nd century CE, only a few chosen souls (Kabbalists) used it and passed it from one to another, forming a lineage.
The book was revealed to outsiders when the widow of the Kabbalist Moshe De Leon sold it along with other books belonging to her husband. That is when Kabbalists began to forbid its study and created rigid restrictions to repel people from it. In the meantime, they continued studying this book in order to correct their souls, and they also taught other disciples who had a point in their hearts. The majority of people at that time did not have a point in the heart, meaning they weren’t striving for spirituality, and therefore they were banned from opening the book.
Today humanity as a whole has reached a stage of development where The Book of Zohar can be opened by anyone. There is no danger in doing so. First of all, this is due to Baal HaSulam’s work: “The Sulam Commentary on The Zohar,” and secondly, because of the current level of the souls’ development.
Without a doubt, this book is the only resource capable of correcting the soul. We still don’t fully understand what a wonderful tool it is.
When we understand what kind of system it is, connect to it, and start using it, then we will enter the spiritual world, and we will continue to grow by ascending from one spiritual degree to another until reaching the ultimate purpose of creation, perfect peace and delight. The Book of Zohar is a gradual revelation that works in this manner—it is truly a device for revealing the Upper Light!

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